Wednesday December 22, 2021 7pm to 9pm
Yes the Concert is Tonight, but it's not too late to register. Please register below and you will be sent the Zoom login information by email. Need help registering? Call 647-608-7767
You and your friends and family are invited to a special Christmas piano concert on Wednesday, December 22.
So grab your favorite bottle of wine, have some hors d’oeuvres, dessert, coffee, whatever your fancy, and join us Live via Zoom on your laptop, tablet, phone, or even TV (connect your laptop via HDMI cable). The concert will be broadcast in high-quality sound and HD video.
AND… because of the magic of technology, I’ll be performing many of the songs with bass and drums, so get your swing on!
I’ll be performing new holiday favorites including:
- Santa Claus is Coming to Town – As a lovely jazz ballad.
- The Christmas Song – Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire!
- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen – In 5/4 time as a piano trio.
- Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring – Because it’s my Mom’s (Joy’s) favorite!
- O Christmas Tree – from Charlie Brown’s Christmas Special
- O Holy Night – A Christmas Classic!
- Angel’s We Have Heard On High – A beautiful and traditional Christmas Carol.
…and many more!
And, I’ll take a few requests if you’re up to it. Plus, there’s a couple of surprises and you can even win prizes! It’s not just a concert, it’s an interactive evening straight from our own living room!
and it's 100% free!
watch this sneak preview
Why are we doing this?
Well, we did it last year so this is the 2nde Annual Christmas concert and I’m super excited to get the opportunity to spend the evening at the piano and with you!
I’ve never heard of Paul Tobey, are you any good?
Well, I’ve been a professional musician for many years, however, these days most people know me as a digital marketer, speaker, and trainer because that has been my full-time career for the past 16 years, since we started our company Training Business Pros on Nov 12, 2004. But my first love is and always will be the piano. Nancy (lovely wife) often jokes that my piano is my wife, and she is my mistress. LOL. She may joke about it but she also knows I’m grateful for her never-ending support.
Can I invite anyone I like?
Yes. Last year we had over 200 people attend online and this year we’d like to have even more. It’s virtual via Zoom so we can have as many people as we like!
Grab Your Virtual Ticket Today!
*This is a free concert by Jazzmentl.com and Paul Tobey. Registration is recommended as it’s the only way to receive links and reminders on how to attend. Your email address will be used to send you concert attendance login information. We will not share your email address with anyone.